Our Services

Elemental offers a range of unique trauma healing services to heal the body, mind, heart and soul. We work with individuals, groups, corporates and community organisations. Get in touch if you have any questions or would like to discuss a custom training package.

1.Trauma Healing Cycle

  • The Trauma Healing Cycle is one of the signature services offered by Elemental, and is a completely unique approach to healing. The 12-week intensive program consists of 90-minute weekly Reflection Sessions, where your guide Mohamad acts as a mirror, reflecting back at you the parts of yourself that you’re struggling to recognise and integrate. He then provides tools, resources and support to help you integrate the lessons that are keeping you trapped in trauma cycles. You will also receive detailed debrief notes after each session, customised healing exercises based on your particular needs, a custom self-care plan, and direct access to Mohamad for the duration of the program.

  • The Healing Cycle has been carefully designed to facilitate and prioritise your healing. Our sessions flow from one another, and are 90 minutes long instead of the usual 60 minutes, because many people only begin opening up almost an hour in, and then are shut down while they’re in a vulnerable state and asked to leave. We don’t book back-to-back sessions, so if you’re disclosing something important, you won’t be asked to close up due to time. You’ll have regular contact with Mohamad for the entire program, so you’re not expected to crash and burn during the week, and tell him about it in the next session, but he will help you through it as it happens. The unique Elemental method also means you’ll be treating the source of your traumas, rather than the symptoms, in a safe, guided manner.

  • A complete transformation of your relationship to your Self and others. Healing deep traumatic wounds from childhood onwards, deep realisations about the blockages holding you back from being yourself, and a safe, supportive and guided environment. It’s like surgery, but for trauma. Perfect for people who know they need to change their lives but don’t know how, or feel stuck.

2.Trauma Healing Bodywork

  • Our second signature service is a 90-minute massage-style treatment that releases trauma directly through the body. When we experience trauma and it’s not released, it dwells in the body, causing tensions, aches, injuries, digestive issues, headaches and other pains. If you’ve had any of these tensions and pains and they return every time you treat them, they might be traumas lodged in the body, or symptoms of those traumas.


    Trauma Healing Bodywork identifies these traumas in the body, and through the unique Elemental method, releases them and any associations that are linked with them.

  • The Elemental method is unique and approaches trauma and healing through the body directly, and in an understandable way, without any mystification of what’s going on. Mohamad will explain what he’s doing and guide you through the breathwork and surrender that you’ll need to practice for the release. He will help you identify what emotions, beliefs, thoughts or energies are trapped in your body, and support you through the release work. He will check in with you regularly about how you’re feeling through the treatment, whether you’re experiencing any resistance or discomfort, and explain anything that might be confusing.

  • Release of deep tensions and traumas that have been lodged in your body that you’ve held onto. When these traumas release, any unhealthy behaviours and beliefs that have been attached to them also dissolve, and you’ll feel lighter and have more clarity about who you are and how you relate to your body and your Self. The bodywork operates in a similar way to a remedial massage, which finds a muscular knot, works it through the pain, and then you feel the relief, except we’re releasing traumas. Perfect for people who can’t commit to a 12-week program but would like some deep trauma release.

3.Group Self-Healing Bodywork

  • A guided group session where Mohamad will explain and demonstrate the practice of Bodywork healing, so that you can begin your Self-healing journey in a safe and supervised environment.

  • The Elemental Bodywork method is unique and accessible for anybody to use for their own healing. No prior education or knowledge is required, everything you need is demonstrated and explained during the session. You’ll learn how to identify and release traumas that are impacting your life in a safe and easy manner.

  • A unique, engaging and effective way to work through and release your traumas. Lots of new knowledge and insights about your Self, trauma and healing, and a safe and supportive environment.

4.Elemental Healing Circle

  • One of our most popular group services, the Healing Circle is a guided healing practice facilitated by Mohamad. The 90-minute Circle takes place around a campfire, and begins with a spiritual recitation, followed by a guided breathwork meditation and ends with a group reflection.

    Trauma Healing Bodywork identifies these traumas in the body, and through the unique Elemental method, releases them and any associations that are linked with them.

  • A fusion of mystical insights and philosophical wisdoms, the Healing Circle is unlike anything offered elsewhere. Connecting into the Four Elements to activate deeper healing, the Healing Circle completely slows down the rush of the modern world and connects you back into your Self.

  • A deep feeling of safety and warmth, a slowing down of the body and mind to increase presence and facilitate the release of stored emotions and spiritual insights.

5.Guided Breathwork Meditation

  • A group Breathwork Meditation facilitated by Mohamad based on the unique Elemental breathing style, designed to connect you into the deeper parts of your Self, activate and release traumas in a safe and guided manner.

  • The Breathwork Meditation is designed not just to relax you, but to facilitate trauma release and spiritual insights. Taking you into the hidden parts of your Self, the Breathwork Meditation is about unlayering the Self, revealing blockages and increasing clarity and purpose.

  • A deeper connection into your internal world and its unique patterns. A heightened experience of clarity that reveals to you parts of your Self that have been hidden from you, including the traumas that are preventing you from realising your greater Self.

  • Professional Supervision and Consultation for practitioners and students wanting to incorporate the Elemental method into their work. All Supervision and Consultation packages will be custom-designed based on your needs.

    Trauma Healing Bodywork identifies these traumas in the body, and through the unique Elemental method, releases them and any associations that are linked with them.

  • A comprehensive, complex and unique trauma healing method presented in a simple and accessible manner, including a range of unique graphics and resources to help you facilitate greater healing for your clients.

  • A safe, human-centered approach to Supervision and Consultation that meets you where you are, and guides you through the Elemental method, helping you integrate it with your existing practice.

6.Supervision & Consultation

7.Custom Workshops & Training

  • Custom-designed Workshops and Training packages, based on your unique needs and dynamics. Examples include corporate and organisational training in Eliminating Workplace Burnout, Navigating Differences, Addressing Racism Without Shaming and others.

  • Elemental Training is based on the unique Elemental method and operates from a human-centred, non-judgemental place of care and expertise. As a former Corporate Manager and Academic, Mohamad understands the pressures of work-life balance, and is able to present complex knowledge and insights in an accessible and engaging manner.

  • Corporate and organisational training unlike any other. We’re not about surface-level training aimed at using up the training budget. Expect to be taken on a unique, insightful journey about the human condition, how trauma impacts your operations and team dynamics in surprising ways, as well as unique, practical and effective techniques and resources to not only understand, but embody the knowledge you receive.