Trauma healing for the body, mind, heart and soul.

Who are You?

When was the last time you checked in with your body, mind, heart and soul? 

In today’s highly-stimulated society, it’s easy to lose yourself in distractions and unhealthy patterns. Whether it’s an addiction to scrolling, work, entertainment, or just struggling to sit in your own company, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle of today’s world.

And before you know it, you’ve lost track of who you are and where you are in your journey.  

If this is you, it doesn’t have to be.  

If your world is out of order, if you regularly experience fear, insecurity, anxiety or confusion, this is your sign that it’s time to heal.

What are the Elements?

The four elements of Fire, Earth, Water and Air align with Body, Mind, Heart and Soul.

We each have a primary and a secondary element, and your relationship to each of the elements will determine the quality of your life, and whether you live in peace or in suffering.   

You can understand what’s going right or wrong in your world by understanding the characteristics of each element.

Fire Element

The Fire element is characterized by passion and energy. It’s assertive, brave, focused and goal-driven. A healthy relation to Fire will produce safety, warmth and motivation. Think campfire. An unhealthy relation to Fire will produce fear, chaos and threat. Think bushfire. The Fire element is the site of the unconscious body, and a traumatized body means living a life of fear and self-hatred, while a healed body means living a life of passion and drive.

Earth Element

The Earth element is characterised by abstract thought and practicality. It’s deep, thoughtful, analytical and considerate. A healthy relation to Earth will produce wisdom, stability and grounding. Think mountain. An unhealthy relation to Earth will produce heaviness, coldness and breaking. Think earthquake. The Earth element is the site of the sub-conscious mind, and a traumatized mind means living a life of withdrawal and self-deception, while a healed mind means living a life of stability and security.

Water Element

The Water element is characterized by fluidity and flow. It’s kind, accepting, intentional and open. A healthy relation to Water will produce harmony, beauty and surrender. Think stream. An unhealthy relation to Water will produce anxiety, chaos and possession. Think tsunami. The Water element is the site of the conscious heart, and a traumatised heart means living a life of anxiety and self-delusion, while a healed heart means living a life of harmony and love.

Air Element

The Air element is characterized by enthusiasm and optimism. It’s pleasure-seeking, sociable and light. A healthy relation to Air will produce presence, transparency and inspiration. Think fresh breeze. An unhealthy relation to Air will produce confusion, hiding and destruction. Think tornado. The Air element is the site of the trans-conscious soul, and a traumatized soul means living a life of crisis and self-doubt, while a healed soul means living a life of clarity and purpose.

When we experience a trauma in relation to one of these elements, we’ll experience symptoms within that element, as well as within the elements below it. For example, if we experience an emotional trauma of the heart, we’ll experience emotional symptoms (e.g. fixating), mental symptoms (e.g. overthinking), and physical symptoms (e.g. digestive issues). Treating the symptoms, as many therapies tend to do, will not address the root of the trauma, and the symptoms will always return stronger.

This is why many people remain stuck in trauma cycles – they’re only treating the symptoms of their trauma and not the causes.

Elemental is different.

We treat the trauma directly at the source, while giving you tools for managing the symptoms while you heal.

That means more healing, and less suffering.

Because you weren’t born to suffer.


We offer a range of services and also design custom training programs and workshops. Get in touch if you’d like to discuss something specific.

  • A 12-week guided healing program to heal from traumas that are holding you back.

  • A unique 90-minute massage-style treatment that releases trauma directly through the body.

  • A guided group bodywork session to demonstrate the practice of Self-healing.

  • A group healing circle, guided breathwork meditation and reflection session.

  • A guided group breathwork meditation to connect back into yourself.

  • For practitioners and students based on the Elemental method.

  • Customised training packages for corporates, practitioners and organisations to learn how to manage teams and clients through the Elemental method.

Clients who have trusted Elemental:

“ The way we experience the world is a direct reflection of our inner state. If your world is full of suffering, anxiety, insecurity and fear ….

It’s time to go inwards. “